I define a dream as a wish that is powered by a positive intention until it becomes a reality. We make our own reality each day and that is through our thoughts and convictions.
People who know me know that I take it upon myself to gather my friends together to create personal collages of what we intend to achieve in our lives in the coming year. These collages help us to define our present so that we can create our future. They keep us focused on our goals and they dare us to fulfill our dreams. The reality is that each year, with each collage, is a step closer to making your life positively unfold.
This year, make your collage about the spiritual YOU, and what you wish to create of your world in the coming year. It does not have to be about obtaining material things, but can help foster a message of hope, love, and help you out of depression through healing. I once made a personal collage for a surgical procedure and hung it in my hospital room. Each time I looked at it I was spurred on to heal.
Though you can also do this on a computer, I have found that it’s more fun in a group to do it the following way. You will need a few essentials and suggestions to get you started:
WHAT YOU WILL NEED: A piece of cardboard or poster board, scissors, glue or paste, and a lot of different and/favorite magazines, newspapers, and photos. Make sure you have a photo of yourself and the year. The size of the collage is up to you.
INSTRUCTIONS: Cut out the images and words that best represent what you wish to manifest. Arrange them on the cardboard, glue them down when you’re satisfied with your work, and take a photo of the final results. Put the original collage in a room where you will always see it, and use that photo as a screen saver or wallpaper on your computer, tablet, and/or phone, to keep it close by.
I have seen these collages become a source of motivation, comfort, and peace. A collage with intention empowers us and helps us to go with the flow by directing the current so that we arrive at our destination! The New Year is around the corner and there’s no better time to start!
Happy New Year!